Monday, April 11, 2011

The Mountain of God

Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the One who's gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God

~The Mountain of God, Third Day

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Letter to Amber before HS

 Being an older sister is something I take very seriously. It doesn't hurt that I have the coolest little sister.

I wrote this to Amber right before she started High School in August:

High School. Two little words that invoke many different feelings.  It may sound fun and scary, exciting and make you shake with fear, but you can tackle anything.
Life is about to begin flying by at an increasing speed. As you begin your High School years I have a few things that I want to share with you.
First off, I am so proud to be your sister. I wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world. I will always be here for you.
Now down to business:
You are a fun loving, beautiful, crazy, artistic, creative, incredible, TWERD, blondie (love you), woman that I wouldn’t trade for the world.  I am amazed at how confident you are in yourself. I wish I had that, even now.
You are going to be successful at whatever you decide to do; I have no doubt about that. Remember, it will cost you something. Work hard to be everything you were created to be. This will require sacrifice, self discipline, and determination. Don’t look back with regret and wish you could have done things differently. You have the opportunity to start from scratch.
You may face fear, doubts, discouragement….you may even be ridiculed along the way. I know you will fight your fears. I have faith that no one can talk you out of painting only your left hand while leaving the right one empty.
Here’s a little advice: Ask Questions. People may not always have the right answer, but not knowing is okay. Stand up and speak your mind, challenge the group, act on your instincts. Act on all the “why’s” and bring change to the things you don’t like.
Embrace change and be open to learning what the world and the people in it have to offer you. You will stumble. You will cry, scream, but most of all you will LAUGH. It’s the memories you make now that will last you a lifetime. You’ll be 80 years old in a rocking chair laughing about things that will happen in the next four years. Make every day count.
This is a milestone that you should cherish. You may make new friends that will last a lifetime. These are the people you will talk to 10 years later and say things like, “Remember when…” Have fun making those memories. Go Crazy….
Just have fun. You might make mistakes, that’s what gives you character.


Face Masks! Thanks for acting stupid with me kiddo. I <3 you!